Who’s talking to your customer, when you’re not there? Does your customer have something in his possession to remind him of you, or your company and the services you offer? What is on his desk 24/7 that says you can look at his problem and provide a solution? Rosebud Marketing will put your name, company name or corporate logo on anything that will broadcast your message. Those products include, but are not limited to: coffee mugs, writing instruments, desk items, clocks, electronics, key tags, watches. We love a challenge and hope you will call us with a project that needs a product that will capture your identity.
Print-N-Toss Bead Necklaces with Custom 4-color Process Decal attached to 1 side of the Medallion. 33" necklace with 7 1/2 mm beads and 2 1/2" medallion. You can have a sticker attached to both sid...
$0.90 - $2.42